Recent Working Papers
With (Nikhil George, Ramayya Krishnan) Learning from Internal Mobility: A Machine Learning Approach to Augmenting Human Capital
In companies today, work is organized in fluid teams whose composition changes as certain (new) skills become important while others become less relevant. Employees in-turn are primarily responsible for navigating their careers through positions that match their expertise and ambition. As retention and advancement of good employees is vital, many organizations provide employees the opportunity to apply for new jobs listed in the organization. Facilitating and supporting this internal mobility is a novel matching problem faced by many firms. We partnered with the IT division of a large financial services firm to develop an algorithmic model of an (internal) applicant’s probability of selection to a new position. We show that the informational content in the applicant’s current job’s description and the firm’s past selection decisions contain valuable signal to predict selection of internal applicants. The model enables the firm to identify cases where the applying employee’s chances of selection was predictably low. This allows the firm to design training programs that are tailored to improve employees’ selection prospects to their observed choices among new positions. We verify that these training opportunities are consistent with the firm’s incentives and summarize them to an interpretable set via clustering. Our machine learning approach integrates three different sources of information available to firms, to identify training opportunities directly linked to new positions and observed employee choices.
Journal Publications
Liron Sivan, Rahul Telang (2025), "Movie Sentiment and Home Entertainment Revenue", Journal of Cultural Economics (forthcoming)
S Sharma, R Telang, A Zentner (2025). "The Impact of Digitization on Print Book Sales: Analysis using Genre Exposure Heterogeneity", MSOM (Manufacturing and Service Operation Management) - forthcoming
Saharsh Agarwal, Deepa Mani, Rahul Telang (2023), “The Impact of Ride-hailing Services on Congestion: Evidence from Indian Cities”, 25(3), 862-883, MSOM (Manufacturing and Service Operation Management). [PAPER]
A Aziz, H Li, R Telang (2022), “The Consequences of Rating Inflation on Platforms: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment”, 34(2), 590-608, Information Systems Research. [PAPER]
R Belo, T Frick, R Telang (2023), “Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”, 69(3), 1665-1686, Management Science. [PAPER]
J Sim, Daegon Cho, Y Hwang, and R Telang (2022), “The Virus Shook the Streaming Star: Estimating the COVID-19 Impact on Music Consumption”, Marketing Science, 21 (1), 19-32. [PAPER]
Rahul Ladhania, A M. Haviland, A Venkat, R Telang, and J M. Pines (2021), “The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on the Nature of New Enrollees’ Emergency Department Use”, Medical Care Research and Review, 78 (1), 24–35. [PAPER]
B Danaher, J Hersh, M Smith, R Telang (2020), “The Effect of Piracy Website Blocking on Consumer Behavior”, MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 631-659.
Liron Sivan, M Smith, R Telang (2019), “Do Search Engines Influence Media Piracy? Evidence from Randomized Experiment”, MIS Quarterly, 42(4), 1143-1154.
Zia Hydari Rahul Telang, Bill Marella (2019), “Saving Patient Ryan — Can Advanced Electronic Medical Records Make Patient Care Safer?”, Management Science, 65(5), 2041-2059. [PAPER]
Rajiv Garg, Rahul Telang (2018), “To Be or Not to Be Linked: Online social Networks and Job Search by Unemployed Workforce”, Management Science, 64(8), 3926-3941. [PAPER]
Rahul Telang, Joel Waldfogel (2018), “Piracy and New Product Creation: A Bollywood Story”, Information Economics and Policy, 43, 1-11. [PAPER]
Haijing Hao, R Padman, R Telang, B Sun (2018), "Quantifying the Impact of Social Influence on the Information Technology Implementation Process by physicians: A Hierarchical Bayesian Learning Approach" Information Systems Research, 29(1), 25-41. [PAPER]
B Danaher, M Smith, R Telang (2017), “Copyright Enforcement in the Digital Age: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications”, Communication of the ACM, 60(2), 68-75. [PAPER]
Maurya A, Telang R (2017), “Bayesian Multi-View Models for Member-Job Matching and Personalized Skill Recommendations”, IEEE International Conference On Big Data (BIG DATA), 1193-1202. [PAPER]
Pedro Ferreira, Miguel Matos, Michael Smith, Rahul Telang, (2016), “Culling the herding: Using real world randomized experiments to measure social bias with known costly goods”, Management Science, 62(9), 2463-2580. [PAPER]
Adjerid Idris; Acquisti A, Telang R, Padman R, Adler-Milstein, J (2016), “The Impact of Privacy Regulation and Technology Incentives: The Case of Health Information Exchanges”, Management Science, 62(4), 1042-1063. [PAPER]
Gong, Jing, Smith, Michael D, Telang, Rahul (2015). “Substitution or Promotion? The Impact of Price Discounts on Cross-Channel Sales of Digital Movies”, 91(2), Journal of Retailing, 343-357. [PAPER]
Telang Rahul (2015), “Policy Framework for Data Breaches”, IEEE Security and Privacy, 13 (1), 77-79. [PAPER]
Zia Hydari Rahul Telang, Bill Marella (2015), “Electronic Health Records and Patient Safety”, Communication of the ACM, 58 (11), 30-32.
B. Danaher, Y Huang, M Smith, R Telang (2014), “An empirical Analysis of Digital Music Bundling Strategies” 60 (6), Management Science, 1413-33. [PAPER]
Anuj Kumar, Michael Smith, Rahul Telang (2014), “Information Discovery and Long Tail of Motion Picture Content”, MIS Quarterly, 18(4), 1057-1078. [PAPER]
B Danaher, M Smith, R Telang (2014), “Piracy and Copyright Enforcement Mechanism”, Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol (14), NBER.
B Danaher, M D Smith, R Telang, S Chen, “The Effect of Graduated Response Anti-Piracy Laws on Music Sales: Evidence from an Event Study in France”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 62(3), 541-553. [PAPER]
Rajiv Garg, Rahul Telang (2013), “Inferring App demand from publicly available data”, MIS Quarterly, 37(4)
-This paper was featured in a story in Post-Gazette
Rodrigo Belo, Pedro Ferreira, Rahul Telang (2013), “Impact of Broadband in School: Evidence from Portugal”, Management Science, 60(2). 265-282. [Lead Article] [PAPER]
Anuj Kumar, Rahul Telang (2012), “Does the Web decrease Customer Service Cost? An Empirical analysis”, Information Systems Research (ISR), 23(3), 721-737. [PAPER]
S. Wattal, R. Telang, T. Mukhopadhyay, P. Boatwright (2012), “What’s in a “name”? Impact of Use of Customer Information in Email Advertisement”, Information Systems Research, 23(3), 679-697. [PAPER]
Anuj Kumar, Rahul Telang (2011), “Product Customization and Customer Service Costs: An Empirical Analysis”, forthcoming, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), 13 (3), 347-360. [PAPER]
S. Romanosky, R. Telang, A. Acquisti (2011), “Do Data Breach Disclosure Laws Reduce Identity Theft?”, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM), 30 (2), 256-286. [PAPER]
B Danaher, S Dhanasobhon, M Smith, R. Telang (2010), “Converting Pirates without Cannibalizing Purchasers: The Impact of Digital Distribution on Physical Sales and Internet Piracy”, Marketing Science, 29(6), 1138:1151. [PAPER]
M. D. Smith, R. Telang “Piracy or Promotion? The Impact of Broadband Internet Penetration on DVD Sales”, Information Economics and Policy, 22(4), 289-298. [PAPER]
Michael Smith, Rahul Telang (2010), “Competing with Free: The Impact of Movie Broadcasting on DVD Sales and Internet Piracy”, MIS Quarterly, 33(2), 321-338. [PAPER]
Arora, C. Forman, A. Nandkumar, R. Telang (2010), “Competition and patching of security vulnerabilities: An empirical analysis”, Information Economics and Policy, (10), 164-177. [PAPER]
Arora, R. Krishnan, R. Telang, Y. Yang (2010) "An Empirical Analysis of Software Vendors’ Patch Release Behavior: Impact of Vulnerability Disclosure", Information Systems Research (ISR), 21(1), 115-132, [PAPER]
S. Kim, R. Telang, B. Vogt, R. Krishnan (2010), “Empirical Analysis of Mobile Voice and SMS Service: A Structural Model”, 56(2). 234-252, Management Science. [PAPER]
Sunil Wattal, Rahul Telang, Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2009), "Information Personalization in a Two-Dimensional Product Differentiation Model”, Journal of MIS, 26(2), 69-95. [PAPER]
Ashish Arora, Rahul Telang, Hao Xu (2008), “Optimal Policy for Software Vulnerability Disclosure," Management Science, 54(4), 642-656. [PAPER]
Rahul Telang, Sunil Wattal (2007), “An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Software Vulnerability Announcements on Firm Stock Price”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (8), 544-557. [PAPER]
R Krishnan, M D. Smith, Z. Tang, R. Telang (2007) “Digital Business Models for Peer-to-Peer Networks: Analysis and Economic Issues”, Review of Network Economics, 6(2), 194-213. [PAPER]
Anindya Ghose, Michael Smith, Rahul Telang (2006), "Internet Exchanges for Used Books: An Empirical Analysis of Product Cannibalization and Welfare Impact", Information Systems Research (ISR), 17(1), 3-19, [Lead Article] [PAPER]
- An article about this paper appeared in The New York Times article.
- Won the runner-up best published paper award in ISR
S Bhattacharjee, R Gopal, K Lertwachara, J Marsden, R Telang (2006), “The Effect of Digital Sharing Technologies on Music Markets: A Survival Analysis of Albums on Ranking Charts”, Management Science, 53(10), 1359-1374. [Lead Article] [PAPER]
Ashish Arora, Anand Nandkumar, Rahul Telang (2006), “Does Information Security attack frequency increase with Vulnerability disclosure? - An Empirical Analysis”, Information Systems Frontier, 8(5), 350-362. [PAPER]
Ashish Arora, Jonathan Caulkins, Rahul Telang (2006), "Sell First, Fix Later: Impact of Patching on Software Quality", Management Science (Research Note), 52(3), 465-471. [PAPER]
Anindya Ghose, Rahul Telang, Ramayya Krishnan (2005), "Impact of Electronic Secondary Markets on Information Goods Supply Chain, Journal of MIS (JMIS), 22(2), 91-120. [PAPER]
Rahul Telang, Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2005), "Drivers of Web Portal Use", Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 4(1): 46-62. [PAPER]
Karthik Kannan, Rahul Telang (2005), "Market For Software vulnerabilities? Think Again", Management Science, 51(5), 726-740. [PAPER]
Ashish Arora, Rahul Telang (2005), "Economics of Software Vulnerability Disclosure", IEEE Security and Privacy, 3 (1), 20-25. [PAPER]
Ashish Arora, D Hall, C. A. Pinto, D Ramsey, R Telang (2004), "Measuring the Risk Based Value of IT Security Solutions", IEEE IT Professional, 6(6), 35-42.
Robert E. Kraut, Shyam Sunder, Rahul Telang, James Morris (2005), "Pricing to Solve the Problem of Spam", Human-Computer Interaction, 20, 195-223. [PAPER]
Rahul Telang, Peter Boatwright, Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2004), "A Mixture Model for Internet Search Engine Visits", Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 41(2), 206-214. [PAPER]
Rahul Telang, Uday Rajan, Tridas Mukhopadhyay (2004), "The Market Structure for Internet Search Engines", Journal of MIS (JMIS), 21(2), 137-160. [PAPER]
Ramayya Krishnan, Michael Smith, Rahul Telang (2004), "The Economics of Peer to Peer Networks", Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5(3), 31-44. [PAPER]